I would like to say that I am unlike the rest But in saying that I embody the rest I would also like to say that I'm truthful But in also saying that I make myself good at lying Dangerously good, in fact, That I can make myself believe I'm a good liar And I think it would be nice to say That I am bigger than what I think I am That my ideas are more than ideas But in saying that I am both a liar And honest I am being both unlike the rest And exactly like everyone else Because we all believe we are bigger But we can only believe that For as long as we are honest with ourselves Honest and lying, Because thats what we are I will be honest about this lie About how we will wake up with these ideas That are so much bigger than us That are bigger than everyone else's ideas So we can put them off Until we better ourselves Until we become richer others Until we land the job Until we quit the job Until we meet our soul mate Or until we are divorced Whether we are waiting for a career Or until tomorrow, when it's better than today Or until we stop lying Maybe when our dreams get smaller So we think we can tackle them Or maybe we're waiting for nothing And maybe we're wasting time waiting I'm going to stop honestly lying About my dreams and ideas That are bigger than myself And adopt the motto, "If not now, when?"