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Jan 2014
Sometimes I don't
Really know what to do.
One day I seem happy,
Next day I seem absent....

Oh Lord! You keep testing me,
You keep playing games w me...
You hide and appear,
I am seeking You
And You keep hiding Yourself!

I don't know anymore
What to do to smile,
To keep shining,
To keep walking
This Path full of thorns!
The journey is long...

Oh Lord! I am seeking You!
I have a long journey to walk
Full of thorns. And without You
I can't keep walking...

Oh Lord! Stop hiding Yourself,
Come to me. I am searching You.
Wherever You are, please come to me.
Please hold my hand, do not let me go!

Don't You see? I need You!
And I need You now and always.
Make this path of thorns
Be the Path of Bliss I am searching for!

Oh Lord! Without You
Life is impossible!
And if I am existing in this world
It's for You and only for You!
Written by
Sulekha Vargas
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