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Jan 2014
Day by Day,
I sit waiting,
For the perfect one to come.

I see her everyday,
But I still can’t touch her.

She lives next to me,
She flirts with me,
I think?

But she is still out of reach.
So I wait.

I see her walking down the halls,
She’s in my classes,
And she sits where I can see her.

She sits next to me in band,
She flirts with me,
I  guess?

But she talks to all the guys that way.
So I wait.

Now I have a problem!
I like them both,
And I don’t know which one to choose.

What do I do?!
Do I ask them if they like me?
Do I ask one on a date?

I am not sure!
I am confused!!!!

So I sit waiting,
Day by Day.
Matthew Miklavcic
Written by
Matthew Miklavcic  CIncinnati, Ohio
(CIncinnati, Ohio)   
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