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Jan 2014
Time. It can be your biggest enemy, or your sweetest escape

It can be the very thing you are living for yet dying for at the same exact moment.

It helps you to remember at the same time working to forget.

It is  not the moving hands on the clock or the buzzing of your iPhone alarm in the early morning.
It’s a representation of where you stand in the vastness of life. A moment that can make it all or end it all. It’s how we choose to face these moments that define who we are. Are we going to stand up and fight, or let them pass by.

We’ve all heard the staying that time doesn’t stand still. It doesn’t wait till you are in place and ready, it goes on. Many of us see this as a curse. We don’t want to grow up, or move on, or move out. We don’t like not knowing and wondering who or what will be here tomorrow.

But maybe this is life’s greatest gift to us all, that it doesn’t stop. Because it forces us to try and chase the moments as they pass by. It forces us to live every day as something new.

There’s never enough.

So we can sit here and try to fight it or we can get up and wave as it passes by.
Either way in the blink of an eye, everything is gone.
Iris Blanche
Written by
Iris Blanche
   I Neptune
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