I tried to draw you but i could never do it justice. I just couldn't record your perfect sadness. Nor the smile that wouldn't crack through that day I couldn't etch this paper with the outlines of your face. Those outlines i traced a thousand times that night. with my eyes. trying to make sense of them. You told me i couldn't change them. And somehow i knew it before you spoke. It weren't that the edges of your face were broken. They could never be. Not ones so beautiful as those. Sure, you have your little imperfections - your hair falls oddly, sometimes, the small dot on your nose, divots around your mouth when you frown- but i love you with them. And even think most of them are beautiful. Though i never could bring myself to like those divots. . . I guess because i never liked it when you frowned. You'd tell me i needed more than luck to cheer you up, but that didn't change the way my heart wanted to make you smile. I can recall only rare occasions when i did not have that desire, even those were just occasions it was underneath another emotion, a darker one, a heavier one i'd trade away any day to make you happy. I knew i loved you that night. It made me ask some hard questions. Are we bad for each other? Should i hate myself for this- for what i do to her? Not if you were worth it - but if i could stand it to stick around but that answer didn't matter, I'd do it even if i couldn't take it.