Sometimes, I bemuse how long it takes myself to exhale your name out in cigarette smoke.
Your name is like a secret that I will not force through my vocal cords.
I will not say it any other time. Merely, for the fact that your name is just as toxic as chemicals that I cradle in my lungs. I silently let go of your name, and a simple little memory of you each time I let the smoke escape from my chest, and over my lips as I breathe out.
Sometimes, I do not know if it is the smoke or the hot air that I let out, to be me letting go of your name.
For, I fear that the longer it takes me to release the smoke, is of how much I really miss saying your name out loud.
I am confused on whether it is the length me slowly letting go of your name, or if it is just the warm carbon dioxide of my breath.