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Jan 2014
I know for a fact
that if we aren't in it for the love
we're in it for the lust
and I know that when we're together
we can either be love
or we can define lust.
im in absolute awe
I don't know what to do
when you seem not to care
I need someone with more soul
and more feeling.
you've stripped me of comfort
and made me numb to others.
I have been stuck on your love
and you've stuck in my mind.
2 years later we're inseparable
and I have found no other soul
capable of making mine whole.
so I've found myself stuck here
not knowing what to do
and waiting for you to make up your mind
on whether or not you're done confusing mine
but it's sad i'll still be here
until you know.
because I love you
Written by
Caitie  the states
(the states)   
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