A bracelet of blue upon her hand Made it easier for me to imagine The way they loved each other; I saw his eyes in every rock, In emotions solidified to glistening bits; I saw his attachment to her soul Like pendants hanging from her arm I saw his eyes in every piece of stone, Now cracked; In the midst of the serenity in a glittery blue gem I saw collateral damage. I saw hope in her eyes And dry tears accumulated on the side lines For she decided that, that is where they belong; She clenched to a cup of tea Like they were his arms, Warm as always, Soothing as usual, Just the way it was when he was around. I saw his imprints on her fingers I saw him fiddling with her words, Although they weren’t much, For some words she decided to keep for him Some words are just between them… And those were the words that mattered most. Dear martyr I saw in stone, They wrote your death sentence But I wrote you sentences on my bones, I dreamt of a country for you I dreamt that you would be in it But all that’s left of you is stone. Bracelets cuddling hands; Hands that wrote on papers The future of tomorrow. Dear martyr I saw in her eyes, You are safe there; But it is very dangerous in my mind. You have drowned in her tears Rested upon her eye lashes, You swam your way in between Her wavy hair, You have held her hands With mugs of warm tea. Dear martyr I fumbled on my papers, My papers will not fade away, My words will collapse on buildings Destroying walls they have built to hide the truth Unwiring bombs they have planted As they try rewire our minds; My voice will be ours And your voice will rest. For your place is in the vacancies Between every piece Of a bracelet That had you Written all over.