Consequences are funny things So why don't I laugh anymore? The sun doesn't shine on me, And your illness no longer affects my body Or my soul.
We shared a bed Flooded with feelings You nearly drowned me in lust. But drowning isn't so bad Once you get used to it.
We worry about things That we were never concerned with before. The possibility of an unwanted love child Creeps over us like sad shadow. It is barely plausible at this point And still, you worry. I wish I was more distraught.
I cannot feel your distinct and lowly presence Yet I still want you around. I want you to make me feel alive Even if I die in the process. I'll do anything for a fix Regardless of the residue it leaves behind.
Consequences are funny things So why don't I laugh anymore? The sun does not shine on me For another reason: My own illness has already ****** my body And my soul.