I was looking at the sky, it was dark like that soul of mine, I was finding answer to the mystery, mystery that leads me to misery, who am I? give me Sherlock to fix me by.
I take risk and the recess, am I whole or been in pieces? The sinners bite me everyday, I forgive them with a smiling face, and they bite me again, bound by this chain of love I crawl, and forgive them all.
There's something I can explore about me each day, how good can I be even my people betray, Is it healthy of me in this mean world, or have I left myself open to the hell's gate?
I often break and I build myself up, like a robot that's supposed to work. At the end of the day, I'm in a memory lane, from sober to insane.
Need my Sherlock to fix me by, explore the 'Mystery of my Life'.