No peace in heaven No life in hell I had learnt . Left by my tutor to choose Choose between living in violence Or dying doomed for eternity. By my assumptions The two seems too close for an option By law no one is meant to sit on the fence.
They say "life is a journey" But I wonder how I agreed to embarked on it at first Maybe I was forced Forced to be born Or maybe it was my fault My fault that I was too desperate to be born Born into a world of wars Where we fight against all Against trust Even against God. I wish I knew the beginning before I was conceived I wish I could tell where this path will end me I wish Heaven is sure Sure that I could end my journey here and cross Cross into eternal peace without being judge Judged by the devil for not being his follower Or judged by God for not being as perfect as His followers. I just wish all this second coming thing remain a prank A prank That will end a joke contrary as plan What a great relieve it will be If the spirit leaves the flesh to be So I could just sit on the fence in peace And Losing Heaven stop being my greatest fear indeed.