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Sep 2010
That’s it. Once you start adding rules to art
You just start ******* me off.
I thought poetry was about writing what I feel.
It’s good because I say it’s good.
I didn’t write my poem for people like you,
So don’t tell me you don’t like it.
It wasn’t meant for you in the first place.

I like music, but you’re ruining it for me.
If I like the sound I’m making,
Why should I give a **** about posture?
You’re ******* me off again.
See what I mean?
I write what I think.
No symbolism, no metaphor,
Just thought.
****’s are no fun
so stop being one.

Why should your talent give you authority?
You clearly don’t deserve the responsibility.
Your insanity is keeping me awake.
I can’t discuss this anymore,
I’m exhausted.
I’m going to bed
I’ve turned off the light

Good Night!
I prefer to listen, read, and look at art with my heart, not my mind.
Written by
Jordan Alexander
   Anndersen Fremin and entropiK
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