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Jan 2014
I can always hear it when it's recording me 
Men's in the streets see me at my best 
Out the window they reap and fall for me 
They speak of me 
Out there on that street 
The man reap for me 
The men fall for me 
The bounce the basketballs for me 
In the rain they still stand 
While the dream of their holy land of me 
In my ******* listening the beat 
In my mind 
All the time 
Where's the score when your always writing more?
More than what's being seen 
Making **** up to worn and own me 
This is the real we
Together we battle 
The Gemini 
So denied about
The girl in the streets 
The girl that always weaps
The men that I fall for 
Bitter but so sweet 
Lost and turned repeat 
Music speaks to me 
Your love 
Ooh ee oo ah ah ah 
Love that beat 
The rains 
Falling for me.
Raw words
Written by
Raw words  NYC
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