Behold the King!
The Monarch, he comes.
Men of High birth to bow at the waist,
Head down, avoiding direct eye contact,
Less the King perceive from them a threat.
Women of the Court a deep curtsey,
Eyes lovingly appraising and focused on his Majesty,
That he may appraise them in return,
Maidens in hopes of finding his favors.
Common people, to sprawl prostrate on their Faces,
Eyes always down cast, to never look upon his Royal Presence,
Thus in turn, never to be noticed by the King.
Alas, though commoner I be, I peeked a look and beheld,
To my surprise, the mighty King was completely naked!
Shocked even more to see, His Majesty publicly exhibiting,
His oh so, insignificant manly short comings.
That indeed, this so called Princely man was in truth,
No more nobler than me!
How strange it is to exalt one man above all others.
If by birth or some fame acquired. Skill with ball or
beauty of face, deep pockets filled with gold,
to worship one man above all others surely a
shallow human tendency of mortal disgrace.
"The Emperors New Clothes" being the seed
germ for this write. That and perhaps too much
actual personal observation of my fellow man.