Parents always claim they don't have a favorite Teachers always say they grade the kids the same Coaches speak of statistics and facts But in truth there's more they care about.
The view from the side is one of being alone Yet in a group you know all too well We all try to do our best and to show we are the better But you're never better than the best and the favored And you try so hard and I try so hard But the picked isn't you, isn't me.
The view from the side is a grand view Surveying the riches not given to us Details the members don't see don't go unnoticed A pat, an extra point, a bottle of lemonade.
No Mom, I didn't want that, give it to my sister instead Professor please have me fail this class Although I've done twice the work he has Dear instructor, no my money is worth less than hers Be better they scream but I'm already expected to fail That is quite clear from the side.