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Jan 2014
Uncertainty reigns supreme;
A ruling and stone heart king.
Rebellion is stirring
Whispers of uprising
A fire fueled by fear.
The War of Wills has raged
Since the beginning of time.
It's a war of the mind
He wants to conquer.

The walls of the empire
Come crumbling down
The truth has found its way out
Though remains worry and doubt.
He navigates a void
His only friend the night
Which never ends
And then
He's drowning in a lake of lies
And no one is there to save his life.
The task is his own
Because he's always alone
Till the moment he realized
All is out
In daylight to face.
Not looking for glory
But his own sanity lay in the stakes.

He looks behind and
A cold mourning takes hold
For all the things he should have done,
A remorse for that which cannot be changed.
When victory's in sight,
An end to endless nights
A final enemy appears.
His own reflection in a mirror.
Robert Dimas
Written by
Robert Dimas
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