he's leaving i surrounded by nothing the nothing that is so heavy it suffocates me so silent that it deafens all other noises so hollow it fills every crevice of my body and mind like you could touch me and your hand would simply pass through my entire being
he's leaving i feel everything the laughs shared as i cried in his arms words whispered as we declared our love to the world
he's leaving i feel joy, pain, sorrow but not anger i love him still so i can't say i wish him dead or gone i love him enough to wish him the best even though my heart is being handed back to me in a million pieces those pieces are all the memories shared they're the kisses, the hugs... they're everything
he's leaving i wonder does he knows that as he walks away he still has a part of me with him a part that can never be given nor taken back
he's leaving i remain or what's left of me remains still loving what i shouldn't hoping for useless things
he's leaving i can't hate not someone who was my best friend someone i cared for completely someone who showed me how beautiful the world could be
he's leaving and as he does i hope he sees in my eyes the love i still have the wish i'm hoping that he can forevermore be happy