To become a writer, you must give yourself and all your thoughts away to the world. Her inhabitants Her beauty Her vastness When you become a writer, the way you think changes You see things that no one else is aware of (besides other writers) Life becomes a game It’s you against everything in the world Some days, this isn’t a problem Some days, it is When you become a writer, You must accept the fact that you’re different Different from all those people living their lives in the dark You see and are aware of the immense beauty and heart wrenching sadness the world has to offer you When you become a writer, it’s your job to help people see things in a way they never have before Show them the worst side of the world and terrify them Or show them a light that always can be seen You must be willing to sacrifice your peace and sanity to express thoughts that no one speaks about Ridicule is inevitable, but it is ******* by the fact that some one out there will read your writing and be able to sympathize with it fully What you write could change someone’s entire life We all hold truths about the world, and as a writer you are the most inclined to share the truths you are aware of You must offer them a different point of view, even if it’s just a span of a couple lines on a page. If life is a plane, writers provide the passengers with a window seat