Beware the fleeting expressions of Man! Allah’who Akbar is easier to shout than an explicit examination of rights and wrongs Honor! shouts the honorless; Shout! Sings the songs
A Fire of Men and Stones! stoked by honor and broken bones fleeting the expression upon the face under the blood tears leave no trace.
Beware the sleeting excoriations of Men! In the name of god is so easy to sing, then the stonings and the burnings can begin. Love! Shouts the loveless; hating the sinner, loving the sin
A Fire of Men and Stones! Lovingly born by staring crones! Fleeing the expression upon the face! Gaining Pride! Losing the Race.
“Please God help me,” the sinner begs. Shaitan smiles and stirs the dregs. The soul of Man spits down like stones thrown without mercy at mercy overthrown.
A Fire of Men and Stones! The flames a’crackle; the ground, she groans. Fleeting, the expression, ‘Please save me!’ Shaitan names the mob; mommy.
Men and Stones afire! Souls burn bright upon the funeral pyre! But not as bright as truth overthrown Virgins tremble! ****** groan!
“Please God! Are you there?” Nothing answers, not even the air that rises high in a silent sneer from the pyre that draws all so near.
Pray not for men; they will not hear or atone for they are the fire of Men and Stone.