I am more than nine cuts because they think I want attention I am more than a left shopping cart in an empty car park there's something behind these walls my mother used to tell me not to drown in the body of my lover because no matter how much you love, baby, no matter how much you want it -- you will never be able to breathe under water I am not in love I am not someone you kiss back don't think I won't trace the map with my lips until I find your roots, until I can **** out all the memories you buried in the ground I taste you you taste like a battlefield I wish I could **** the war out but all I can is breathe smoke into your lungs all I can is breathe and my heart, baby, my heart will never stop beating but I have to keep in mind that it does not beat for anyone but me no matter how hard it works when you're near, no matter how much it wants you -- it beats for me but that doesn't mean I can't capture you in it paint you with angry strokes of grey and black because that's all we are that's all we've ever been