there's this line across my wrist and it's been there for a year, it's been so long since it happened but it never disappears.
the memories will stay and they don't seem to leave, when you ask I'll make up another lie which I so easily weave.
you won't give it a second thought because you want to believe I'm fine. when you're hungry you ask questions, and the truth can't be told so I'll feed you lies.
I could never dare to say that I was weak enough to harm myself because of what happened that day
I'm supposed to be the strong one, the one you can always count on. not the one you're scared of losing or the one you walk out on.
you're gonna leave me and I can feel it in your voice. you don't love me anymore, and that's the hardest part. I've given you my everything babe, and you couldn't even give me your heart.