four forty five and it was chilling cold, drank a cup of coffee, two eggs in a row. eyes have been dizzy I’ve reaped what i sowed yesterdays midnight still up in a glow.
waiting for a ride, check the stereos inside, pollutants in my way, they have turned the tide. 30 minutes away, u-huh the crowd, everyone greeted each other too loud.
jump start the engine , and switch the keys I’ll work hard to pay the fees am i on the shore, yeah i think you got it all the way until the dawn puts on it.
its almost time yeah roll out outside, traffic jam-headache, bringing the dark side. thinking of her, thinkin’ of dinner, thinking for tomorrow, i need a fake healer.
messaged someone, yeah I’m home, it pours on my shoulder, i got heavy bones. rest is a must-have, the day’s on a fin, i hope to see you in my dreams.