The snapshot doesn't care how you feel, its job is to capture a moment in time. This it does with great efficiency. It does not have the time to ask you how you feel. Instead the snapshot chooses to portray the outward emotions shown in the moment. In order to lie in a snapshot all you have to do is smile.
Looking back, years later you'll see your lie and maybe, just maybe you'll remember in that moment your mouth was filled with bile, your heart rage, your mind confusion. But all anyone else will see is your lie, because that is all the snapshot cared to capture.
"Why can't we be happy like this anymore?" she'll say. You wonder, did she forget her smile was a lie too? Or maybe, just maybe hers was not. Maybe she is now. ******* snapshot. Why can't you bother to gather the facts. "Smile, Say Cheese", you look up and the camera winks.