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Jan 2014
Being able to speak to yourself is a great accomplishment 
If you played by yourself when you were a kid, chances are that you can pretty much still do this, picture yourself years back- life was pleasurable, sweet and brave 
We fought those army men that my nephew loves from his favorite everything movie for 3 years being Toy Story. A great intelligent mind filled with amazing imagination. Reminds me to be happy. My family makes me happy- and other things, I walk the halls writing this and not paying attention to my pacing as my feet walk back and forth on the floor, gotta keep that energy up. I have a ton of energy, is it the herb? Is it work? They both radiate for attention or at least in my mind they do. Want to spend the day with my dog more than without him shows compassion for my other piece of me. He brings me happiness and yes sometimes things get hard to handle but in the end it is what puts a big smile on my face, so does my family, so does this writing and so does sharing my views. Always wanting to be heard, def have high energy. Do I want to diagnose something that suits my needs? All the things I enjoy to do, like learning from all of you? My nephew is that, filled with joys me my niece never sleeps 
I meant to misspell that, I shouldn't mind if there is a typo, should respect the courage it takes to let the words rest, be pleased with the unsaid, ahead. My rhymes are out of control. An autobiography can be difficult, as life changes do you want to look back at your words? Your lyrics and poetry that have helped us through tough times, even life events? Last night, when 2014 hit I felt a serious pressure of energy shift including a serious control over staying at happiness within myself, I walked the streets home genuinely happy like a child, as I walked by the people on the street and on the train, before I even left work I have spread my cheer to others around me. They can feel the joy as well, the say last year wasn't great, realizing we control our lives is our only fate. We must enjoy the moment of life. It is what we have. We must control the switch in our minds that we are happy. It is a choice. Whatever someone has going on usually shows, if you are going to let a ***** look ruin your day or someone who runs into literally on the street and keeps walking she's not thinking a thing and you are? Many times I bump people and keep moving, they do the same, when they want to. It's a choice to be happy. It's your reaction to what is happening or what went on that makes your life and how the outcome will be. When the outcome is unknown why be negative about it? Why not keep smiling having faith in your sweet life that things will always turn out good? What's wrong with that?? Today I asked my coworkers if they can sum up 2014 in two words what are they? **** it, ******* (that one was mine at first after my hangover from last night) and stay positive (I don't even follow my own rules), someone said- be positive, think thin, and now again I made one up. World Peace. What's wrong with that? Stay positive don't let the hard times take the only thing you really have away, your mind in your faith. Goodnight. Thank you for reading hope you stay positive and continue world peace in the world we can make it more than a beautiful place- not saying it isn't already. Done.
Raw words
Written by
Raw words  NYC
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