Complication is a word that I want, not to exist, But it always seems to, around me, persist. Calculations when I do for the good of all, Somewhere I get attracted to the selfish scenery and then fear for the fall. Anger rises, for the tree's not growing even after feeding water, But the water used was impure I know it in inside, So while walking away from the tree, my breathing stutters. But the water was pure when I took it in the jug, I had taken the care, But the devil infatuates me and his germs adulterate it, I am innocent so I get a crush on him, blaming only me isnt fair. Guilt comes for the rescue. How.? You would wonder, Sooner the guilt sooner the absolution and then works the sander. I know I have made a mistake and I feel sorry at the very next moment, Please dont dry away oh tree. I promise now, to feed u till u feel the content. Every bad action has the regretful reaction at the same instant in my heart, How do all feelings travel in the same beat of the heart..? I hold a hammer when walking this life with mistakes, the devil's call, Because when I try to find myself again, getting closer are the walls.