every year is the same. all those god ****** resolutions people make. like one day you're one person, and you can wake up the next morning and be someone completely different. all of a sudden you're courageous and motivated. you have meaning and purpose. and i call ******* on it all. for me the new year isn't about making a new me, it's about improving on the me that already exists. because this past year, i picked up the pieces of myself. i put myself back together. with some elmer's glue and scotch tape. it wasn't pretty but it happened. only to watch myself crumble once again. i fell into a million more pieces than the time before. each time i collapse, it gets worse. and it gets harder. but i get stronger. i never give up. i work my *** off, and pick myself back up. and that is exactly what i am going to do. the same me, just new and improved. an upgraded version, if you will. because each year that goes by i learn so much more. i make so many mistakes, and hell i repeat them a few times. i know, i know, shame on me. but it takes time. i fall. and i get back up. and i learn. so i'm picking myself back up. Ashley Twenty Point Oh. i think i'm gonna have to use super glue this time. maybe some duct tape too.