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Dec 2013
The reminisce of your body
A ghost of a memory
Filled with heat and passion and love
The thousand uncountable joys
when we met again
after so long.
Finally together at last

Feeling it was so right
You and I
No one I would ever rather be with
We fit together
like two pieces of a puzzle
Feelings and memories
Binding us closer together

You are my first everything
Then, now, and to come
That's the only way I want it to be.

Just remembering...
Your hands on me
my hands on you
The want and passion we shared
The words you said
When you said that after everything,
You still loved me.
That you never stopped thinking about me
That you still cared.
Words I wanted to voice myself.
My feelings exactly.

Our naughtiness
our romance
our jokes
How comfortable I feel with you.

The way your lips feel,
the ways you make me laugh,
the way you hold me,
the way you pleasure me...
None of it has ever felt better.

I want you, all of you.
And that's not about to change.
Bobbie McCord
Written by
Bobbie McCord  United States
(United States)   
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