I have never felt so alone or distant from the human world in my entire life. I don't have my life together and the more i try to grab at the seams to pull it together, the faster the stitches break. I look like i'm playing a game of Jacks; i drop the ball and i see how many things i can grab before the ball bounces back down but i've grabbed too many things and they're falling through my fingers. I feel like a torture victim with a wet cloth over my face and pouring a gallon of water on me, sputtering water out of my mouth and gasping for air. I don't belong to anyone; no friends no love no one. I am a nomad trailing through the west stopping at the villages for food and then continuing my uncertain journey almost hoping to die so this will be over. I think a lot about killing myself, not like a point on a map but rather like a glowing exit sign at a show that's never been quite bad enough to make me want to leave. But i keep telling myself that the sunrise will come all i have to do is wake up. But that's the problem, i don't wake up because i don't sleep and when you don't sleep you can't have dreams and you always promised me that you'd see me in them. But now i close my eyes and think of you i imagine what you look like in your sleep. They say that when you can't sleep you are awake in someone else's dreams and i'm hoping that's what caused the insomnia. I feel detached from my body almost like a zombie that feeds on sadness and pride; i can't swallow back either of those long enough to tell you i love you. This journey has gotten too terrifying to continue much longer i apologize for the short notice but i think i want to die today. The show might finally be over, everyone else seems to be getting out of their seats to leave and i might just have to follow.