The ignorance and arrogance that goes around daily Tends to get under my skin more than a pregnant lady's baby And maybe it's just me but I can't stand it How can we as a people be this stupid with all the knowledge that we're handed ? I may digress but maybe not Tryna impress is a ***** plot Tryna please the one you're not equal to even in the eyes of god Putting on facades and making lies Going low to see the highs That you will never reach because the leader in you died So if your leader jumped off the bridge, I'm pretty sure you would too Just so you can gain the social status of really being cool But you won't reach that status The cool kids at home laughing At yo ******* racing real fast to the wrong goal with a passion Be you and never change Stay yourself and in exchange You will one day earn your status with out heartache, lies, or strain. So lower your masks down Stomp your lies on the ground And open your eyes wide, the time to awake is now !