I'm really tired with the sad poems filling up my dash and i remember the time where the place my heart resides felt empty because the person living there had seemed to have packed up and moved out
I'm really tired because thinking takes a lot of energy even though I'm just sitting behind a computer but I remember when I was really sad it took me half the day's energy for me to get out of bed and the other half trying to fall asleep.
I'm just really really tired because I don't want anyone else to feel that way. And the worst thing to hear was "it does get better" because it felt like it actually never would. i didn't feel lucky enough to be saved. i never thought it'd be like the movies where i would be slowly drifting down in the water, eyes lost and skin cold while someone held their breath and swam down to save someone who resembled more of a corpse than a breathing human being.
it really does get better and I love waking up early to see the birds call out to their families. I smile more than I frown and I fear I'm getting wrinkles already but that's okay. the wrinkles around my mouth are natural tattoos that say "I made it" and "I am okay now" it is okay to not always be okay but you have to get better one day.