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Dec 2013
skin's awake; mind dying.
this love is impregnated with distance already.
drown me in gin and pills; maybe i won't wake up.
violence is not the answer, violence is not the answer violence is not the answer violence is-

ive been given the gift of life but im wondering if its possible for me to get the receipt?
id like to exchange it for, perhaps, a loss of inside senses?
rejecting everything thats been given to me like i have the privilege to.
if im here i probably have a purpose right


alone, you've been stripped of your clothing and almost all of your dignity.
you're in a pale gray endless space
there is nothing and no one but you and your slowly but steadily decreasing breaths
there is no motivation to move, to go on.

deficit and compensation. this cycle never ends.
light your blunt on the bottom of my heart that's smoldering away with self-hatred.

Written by
chloffee  a galaxy far far away
(a galaxy far far away)   
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