I took a stroll down by the murky river and cast a stone into the dark never expected it to bounce back making such an impending mark
see I bring my truths and secrets in bags-full to the shore and send them down like rocks and brick to the darkness, and the secrets it has bore
Yet many moons have past since first I've met this face found this river's murky waters in my soul's most darkest place
and never since have I encountered another soul besides my ghosts of past mistakes in the depths where they reside
but today a man in hipster clothes' was resting on my dam the water was like rubber now to float this awkward man
the stones I dared to throw today ,he caught them with both hands ;threw them back from where they came declaring his demands
I held them tight and felt their warmth whilst mockingly he tried to make me answer the only question to thus far, I've denied
so in return I threw to him my hearts last shattered piece satisfied; he dropped it down , in the dark depths... left to cease
Sometimes people **** you over and over for something, and fill you with hopes... yet when you give them what they want they smash your expectations and enjoy having had that power over you