My wife asked me to do the shopping Then handed me a grocery list It wasn't very big just some household stuff And some other things that she had missed
"Piece of cake," I told my wife And out the door I went She yelled, "Don't forget to get a receipt, So I can see how much you spent"
I got to the market and headed for the milk It wasn't on the list per se But being the man who knew what he wanted I thought I'd get it anyway
Then I strolled on over to the frozen meat And pick up some T-bone steaks Again, the list didn't have it written down Just another one of her mistakes
I had to get some snacks for the football game Cause a man can't have enough I didn't check the list to see if it was there Cause I was busy doing other stuff
Before I knew it the buggy was full Okay, maybe there were three But look at all this stuff I got She'd be so proud of me
Nine hundred dollars and fifteen cents And man my wife was ****** I spent a whole months budget in twenty-five minutes And didn't buy a thing from the list