The grit in this world seems to be gone, all of us have just become pawns in this static, yet enigmatic, state of mowed lawns, and designer shoes. Yesterday, I asked for a hammer, to fix things up around here, and was asked if I wanted red or blue? Because everything nowadays is a choice. I said to the man in a soft voice, "I'm colorblind." If only to remind him that it didn't matter what color the hammer was. Because you see, regardless of whether the hammer is red or blue, I'm still going to nail and glue this world together again. And make a world where cranes have feathers and not tall steel bars, and life is just a really surreal cigar. Tasty and lustful. Mysterious, but certainly not mistrustful. A world where only adjectives can make a complete sentence, and not create any repentance. Are you catching my drift? Grasping the concept? If your mind is still adrift, then leave it there. Let it float around until it reaches something profound. Then come back. Join the rest of us for a mid-afternoon snack, with lemonade and empathy. Ginger snaps and morality. And a rainbow. Even if I am colorblind.
Just a little rant I needed to get out of my head.