The days are dark and clouded Stars fear to shine and the moon is dreaded The pain in our heart too heavy to make us cry The prophesy joy is still far off to force out a smile Miracles are now very scarce and expensive to buy The truth is too bitter and too unhealthy to lie My once good friend which is hope is ready to die No peace in heaven, no life in hell Then where exactly lie our help Since I have no horse I will use my leg My pain is nobody is feeling my pain since is better to pray than fait I won't try to drop out in the school of life by suicide again I will stand on holy grounds to fight for a better life in faith.
They say the tail is for the slaves so I dare to become the head No matter how deadly the journey seems I still believe in a rosy end Since the kingdom will come here, here I will righteously pitch my tent. Let them keep throwing brimstones Let them keep feeding my hunger for meat with stones I seek for honey but sour limes and bitter leaf water they seek to drunk me with They should keep turning my once soft paths to thorns But I know they can't eclipse my glory it will keep glowing I'm like a palm fruit, no matter the harsh weather they might bring I will keep flourishing I'm like age, no matter the obstacles they might set I will keep growing For I'm a destiny child, destined to move from glory to glory.