angry is an easy emotion it's easy to feel easy to describe easy to tame. aggravation is an easy emotion easy to feel easy to describe easy to tame. annoyance is an easy emotion easy to feel easy to describe easy to tame. it's sadness that's the hardest it's not easy to feel when bed seems like the only place you're accepted or when the simple task of breathing is daunting how could that be easy? it's not easy to describe how do you tell someone you're dying inside when you've been laughing all day? how do you tell someone the sobs that attack your body during the darkness & silence of the night? how could it be easy to describe? it's not easy to tame how do you overcome the yearning for sleep? for death? how do you overcome the blanket of numb that threatens everything whether it be your movements or your process of thought? how do you overcome something with so much influence? how could it be easy to overcome?