Wheels spin Laughter Laughter “Scooters are more fun” He says Wheels spin Laughter Laughter His father sits tired and old Bourbon in hand 4 ice cubes To cool his tongue so he wont Yell at us to be careful when we ride Wheels spin Laughter Laughter 3 bikes 1 Scooter the old kind before Razors were ever invented With big wheels and big handles Unsteady and rusting “But Scooters are more fun” he says Wheels spin one handed Balance Balance **** Down Down red red And he is screaming My knee red red Wheels spin “Rock in his leg” He says Dads bourbon left on front steps The ice melts Waste And there’s blood on the road On the steps on his shirt on his face on the grass His hand is reaching Inside red red His knee red red Out rock out You have no business there ****** and ******* The rock leaves without saying Goodbye or even Thank you red red red red ****** ground and yet He won’t cry No tears only screams Scooter broken ****** old thing The wheels bent and spinning still 3 Bikes and a trip to the hospital Wheels spin Knees Bleed 14 Stitches Laughter Laughter