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Dec 2013
my hands won't stop shaking, and I like to pretend it's
because they are filled with the stardust of your words
and infused with the chemicals of your skin
you haven't spoken to me in weeks and haven't touched
me in even longer
I also pretend that the twinkling lights all around
represent each of our promises
in a few days' time, the lights will be gone and put away
(an echo of our plans)
I see you in the glint of sunlight on the cornfields and the
glow of the moon when I'm still awake at three in the
morning and the ***** of the mountains that trap us in this
town together and in the curve of my own lips
the lips that I'm starting to believe you didn't think about
kissing as much as I thought about kissing yours
most of all, I see you in the emptiness of the fog each
I have to stop myself from thinking your name
all my plans must be scratched out of my
furnishings and a new layer carved on
I'm scared because I don't know how to be me
without you
Jessica Matyas
Written by
Jessica Matyas  Washington
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