My name is peculiar and I hide in plain sight Behaviors irregular, thoughts full of fright Concealed with nothingness I do declare That little concerns me but my cold blank stare. I hide in plain sight.
Few would acknowledge this out of place modality Yet even fewer would accept the beauty of reality Pleasant notions press upon my mind Of a denial of living I've long left behind. I hide in plain sight.
I watch the crowd so easily blame the frailty Of the human condition of their own false morality They blame the future for the past's transgressions In a logic I've discarded since my own adolescence. I hide in plain sight.
Marching onward they trumpet their cause Beating their drums and judging without pause To challenge them is to draw out their repulsions A set of reactions that amount to little but convulsions I hide in plain sight.
I dream of a world ruled not by hate but by love Without reliance upon the sanction of one above A land in which the pursuit of truth prevails And honest expression of discourse unveils, that I hide in plain sight.