The emotions of man are easy to read,
They glisten and shine, never a need,
To ask your friend, how does he feel,
I'll give you a clue, here's how you steal,
And know exactly, what's in his head,
Can't hide it from you, until he is dead.
Don't need to be Bond, a secret service spy,
Just get close to his face, peer into his eye.
The eyes are the windows to the soul,
See tempers get hot, and you may loose control.
Sadness is seen, clear as the sky,
The loss of a loved one, why now did they die?
Happiness comes as the eye starts to glean,
No mistaking the look of it, can't miss its sheen.
Anger it rages, the eye may turn red,
Body language will show, what lurks in their head.
Love is another, not easy to miss,
May lean close to you, and give you a kiss.
Some of these emotions will mix in your eye,
Like happiness and love, it may make you cry.
Sadness and anger, may travel in sync,
You'll see them at bars, pounding a drink.
A student of man, I always do look,
At a persons eyes, can read like a book.
People will try and hide how they feel,
I look at those pupils, and I know what is real.
You may ask yourself what's the purpose of this?
Prying into emotions, can make some folks hiss.
I like the plain truth, found in the eye,
Can't be lied to, I never ask why?
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