It's difficult to find the words, When you can't foresee the response; Fear grips at your soul, the purest intentions, Leaving you unknowing and scared...
The mind draws up every outcome, No matter how good or bad they may be; The uncertainty is unbearable, nerve racking, All leading up to the point you finally break...
The weight of the world comes down, Bringing you to your knees; Unknown is the response that will come, And yet, the unknown is strangely calming...
They may not know the pain I feel, Every single time they see me; Nor do they know how much they mean, Maybe they too have this same fear...
One can only hope this to be the case, The world is a strange place; Crazier things have happened in life, To sit in the shadows or welcome the light...
Dawn comes each day, Bringing with it new chances; New risks and challenges to test us, We must best them while we still can...
I'll take the risk, once again, Despite the many failures of my past; I'm scared, I'll be the first to admit, But life isn't life without taking those risks...