And now emerges white bits of sunshine; Eyes urged to wake, and tongues to pray; To Lord of the worlds and of nights and days; That we be pure in the heart and mind;
Feet saileth lower amongst one another; With such admiration that lasts forever; Faithful heads bow and touch the pious floor; Pearls of rewards doubling behind the door.
And His beauty is deeper than solace; More luminous than desire and grace; He asks for love, chastity, and firm abstinence; He longs for faith, modesty, and true penitence.
Praises and glory are floated to Allah; Mouths recite and phrase la ilaha illallah. And claim their very peace upon beloved Muhammad; With dear respect from the deepest roots of hearts.
Winds might blow and grass might be green; But we fear still, the restless Might of the Unseen; He who watches and renders all our affairs; He who breathes our blood and strands of our hair;
And do fear Him and seek His Abode; For we shall cease and retreat to our Lord; As this earth fades, where His end starts therefrom; And sees our deeds since we dwelled in mothers' wombs;
But Allah is ever fair, filial, and loving; He is the Keenest, and the Most Heroic king; He rules perfectly the East and the West; He listens to what flows within every chest;
And He is All-Forgiving and ever Merciful; He is swift to both the living and the dead; He relieves tears of the believing souls; He lives and sparks, within our very breath.
And He is but ecstatic like the rainbow; Nothing is more countable than His tomorrow; His Warm Hands are what we all rush for; His Words are a poem, like never before.