& the world will become together as we get together & become a nation. war & poverty will be filled with wars of happiness & rich of love. peace will be eased in everyone's soul & the demon will let us rest. we all will be sharing happiness of & wonderful thoughts; even more when i look into your eyes & finally see you pleased that's when i'm okay. nothing breaks nothing & every thing reaches everything as the death sleeps like i sleep in your arms. this world would not be as damaged as before but as helpful & care enough as tomorrow with childhood memories in the air as i smoke your soul & fullfil my life with what's in it. the left overs are for the loners to become -in & pleased as i stare into the night admiring nothing but feeling everything. the scars that once controlled me & the insecurities that once seized me are now nothing but dust in the past. & what if i wasn't smoking here, but with a knife instead? would i become an angel? with all these wonders nobody wants to miss a thing. maybe you don't understand me or this long & messy poem but there's one thing i want you to know: nothing feels better than being able to write & express one's self in a way no one understands but me.