I was driving on the highway at a skipping 70. Singing along to 80’s top 10 phrases like“everybreath you take” and “total eclipse of the heart” splurged off my tongue. Waving out the last ember of my cigarette like a star in a constellation
I was drivin' back home after a 10 hour flight and 1 week business trip. 2 hours of sleep were guarded under my seat belt. The windows were down, the air conditioner was blastin' I was brakin' all the stops to stay awake Come on! my ****** eyelids wouldn’t stay open they kept slidin' closed as if 100 pound weights were clipped onto my eyelashes like those freaks in the Guinness world record-- or something--- focus.....focus.... slurred off my tongue as red carlights blurred and danced to a balletic symphony of speed.
The Choreographed Cars All In Spaced Lines Flashed By A Black Ranger Extended His Hand To a Toyota Dance with me? The processed metals leaned close to One another Twirling their wheelings on the ground Pirouetting Other cars joined in Tumbling on top of each other Glass showered upon them like flower petals.
My cigarette was jammed into the dashboard and the sirens of melodic ambulances were in my ears.