Plagues will die Plagues will burn Plagues will burn in hell fiery, fiery hell Down, Down, Down and Drown. Vroom Vroom The gas so thick burning match stick woomph The body engulfed in flames What is it? Is it a... Cat? There's something wrong with that. Maybe it's a special type. I may have misspelled it. The body burns, burns, burns, burns, burns, burns, burns burns. BURNS DOWN TO HELL Bye, Bye Plague What?!? WHAT IS THIS?!? Reborn? The plague reborn? Like a phoenix, a plague reborn? WILL IT NEVER LEAVE ME AND MY SOUL ALLLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNEEE?!? WHY HAS IT- THE CURSED THING- RETURNED?
This is pretty bad, I only took about 4 minutes to write.