Staring, empty, perfect Taunting me, begging me, cursing me The endless abyss of white ***** me in Falling deeper and deeper into the bleached landscape Losing my grip on why Iām even here Do I dare mar the flawless sheet With markings of one so unworthy
Mind spinning ceaselessly Sweat forming into droplets on my brow Its slander hits me, crushes me Faces me with my own incompetence Dares me to do something great, beautiful Something, anything
Eyes clenched shut, fingers curled into fists The empty canvas finally begins to fill Lines zigzagging up, down, left, right Railroad tracks of half thoughts and feelings Come together in unison, sharing what makes them Me, splattered in black
Taunts become support, mocking to applause The daunting page is beaten Conquered, overcome, tainted All that I can ever be Thrown across a space undefined by time Life no longer binding The me I put into the blank page