Forgive me for my mistakes for all the times I messed up
Forgive me for your pain for all the times I caused it
Forgive me for my little mistakes that of course you also have made
But what you will never say to me is
Forgive Me.
Your words passed down to your line of girls they take in every breath you breathe and try to please you. Side by side you all walked passed me ignoring my tears and blood from my scars as they stream down my body
trying to brush me off your shoulder trying to make sure I noticed you not noticing me This didn't last a day this didn't last a week This situation fades into today. 2 years later.
I may have made mistakes but you never admitted you did
I may have given you a minute of pain but you gave me 2 years of it
Forgive me for trusting you again forgive me for being unstable forgive me for my scars on my arm that you clearly see...but you will convince yourself that you never caused them
But please...forgive me for trying to make you say...