in my single days,
when I was honey,
to the honeys,
there were the ones who
wanted money,
strange, how they were always
the ones I didn't sleep with.
the women I didn't sleep with...
liked them ok, fine,
but they wanted to,
to borrow, not much,
a thousand or three.
Some i gave.
got promises of
eventual return,
which didn't happen,
yeah, baby yeah..
the ones I slept with,
all, no exception,
became lovers and friends,
never asked,
always offered,
forever refused,
though they really needed,
could of used some.
I give thanks this day,
that I gave my
most precious
gift to the good ones,
my loving, caring,
my always there.
so I gave them,
what they needed,
until they wanted all,
which I was not ready,
too damaged to do well.
for this holiday is a reminder,
yeah, baby, yeah,
that you only be thankful
for what you give away,
give away, give away,
and not for the having...
yeah, baby, yeah....