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Dec 2013
I am an angel with
a broken wing.
Wishing to return to the
good times but knows
it's impossible.

An angel who has had her
halo taken from her.
And with that-
her spirit.

God has blessed me with
a gift.
A gift that I am to
never take for granted.
But with all gifts,
there's a proce to pay.

The price paid was
the endless nights
of waking up.
Never again to relax.

Never again able
to go out and have
a good time because
I am the backbone.
The structure.
The mother.
This poem was written from the perspective of Gloria Martinez. A struggling mother in the book, "The Bronx Masquerade".
Written by
Prodige  Ethel, La.
(Ethel, La.)   
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