Oh mighty banana Whose shape has been ridiculed And whose yellow is no one’s favourite colour You’ve been labelled so many things, including a fruit Which is so unfair, because you can be nothing but what you are
I hold you in my hand And I feel your cold skin, a reflection of your loneliness And I think how hard your armour seems to be But as I peel your outer shell back, hearing the ripping of your banana soul I know a softness, so sweet, awaits
Your innards are mushy Your texture is rough Your taste leaves my mouth dry If I had a sense of smell I’m sure you’d be just as plain No wonder no one loves you
I toss your empty, lifeless peel away Enraged by the lack of satisfaction As you land I pray I forget what I just experienced But alas, mere moments later I burp, and am haunted by your stale taste
Had to write this for Writer's Craft one year. Our inspiration was supposed to be drawn on from a type of fruit, mine being bananas. I think I nailed it.